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Alexandre Dumas
world's greatest story teller

Alexandre Dumas 1802-1870
Hey, this dude
could really write!
Alexandre Dumas is a French
author of the 19th century. He wrote over 200 novels and is
best known for his timeless classics The Three Musketeers and
The Count of Monte Cristo. His uncanny ability to
bring historical figures to life is what makes him famous.
He introduces the reader to Bonaparte, Catherine De Medici,
Charles the 5th, Marie Antoinette and many more.
Dumas is my favorite author. The majority of his 200
novels are really kick #**@! This guy is so great he even
has a candy bar named after one of his books. Everyone
knows the motto of the Three Musketeers is "All for one
and one for all". You have probably heard of the
Count Of Monte Cristo too. The funny thing is that only a
few of his books are continually made in to movies and the
other multiple GREAT stories are neglected by Hollywood. I study, collect, read, buy
and sell his books. Below is a pictoral history of the
Dumas family:

He was born in Villes-Cotterêts, France the
son of a French General and innkeepers daughter. His
grandfather Alexandre Davie De la Palantiere (a French
nobleman) settled in Santo Domingo and married Marie-Cessette
Dumas an Afro-Caribbean who had been a black slave in that
French colony. Their son, Dumas's father, was educated in
France and then joined Napoleon's army as a private under
his mothers name of Dumas. He proved him self many times
in battle and advanced quickly to the rank General.
He became known as "Napoleon's famous black General".
He was eventually captured and imprisoned by the British.
By this time he had fallen out with Napoleon and in fact
Napoleon refused to pay his ransom. He returned to France
years later with broken health. After
his death in 1806 the family lived in poverty. The young
Alexandre Dumas worked as a notary's clerk in Villers-Cotterêtes
and went in 1823 to Paris to find work. Due to his elegant
handwriting he secured a position with the Duc d'Orléans -
later King Louis Philippe. He also found his place in theater
and as a publisher of some obscure magazines. An illegitimate
son called Alexandre Dumas fils, whose mother, Marie-Catherine
Labay, was a dressmaker, was born in 1824.
Dumas was
an omnivorous reader. Especially he was interested in plays.
His first produced drama was LA CHASSE ET L'AMOUR, written
with with Adolphe de Leuven and P.J. Rosseau. It opened on September
22, 1835 at Théâtre de l'Ambigu-Comique. As a playwright
Dumas made his breakthrough with HENRI III ET SA COUR (1829),
produced by the Comédie-Française. The romantic drama about
power and love was set in the Renessaince court of Henry III
and drew on Louis-Pierre Anquetil's Histoire de France
and Pierre de L'Estoile's Memoires-journaux. It gained a
huge success and Dumas went on to compose additional plays, of
which LA TOUR DE NESLE (1832, The Tower of Nesle) is considered
the greatest masterpiece of French melodrama. It was written in
collaboration with Frédéric Gaullardet. The action centered
around the doomed Queen Marguerite de Bourgogne, who had
ordered her illegitimate sons to be killed, but who appear into
her life twenty years later. He wrote constantly, producing a
steady stream of plays, novels, and short stories.
"All for one, one for all, that is our
device." (from The Three Musketeers)
Before 1843 Dumas wrote fifteen plays.
Historical novels brought Dumas enormous fortune, but he could
spent money faster than he made it. He produced some 250 books
with his 73 assistants, especially with the history teacher
Auguste Maquet, whom he wisely allowed to work quite
independently. Dumas earned roughly 200,000 francs yearly and
received an annual sum of 63,000 francs for 220,000 lines from
the newspapers La Presse and the Constitutionel.
Maquet often proposed subjects and wrote first drafts for some
of Dumas' most famous serial novels, including LES TROIS
MOUSQUETAIRES (1844, The Three Musketeers) and LE COMTE
DE MONTE-CRISTO (1844-45, The Count of Monte-Cristo).
Dumas himself claimed that he only began writing his books when
they were already completed in his head.
As a master dialogist, Dumas developed
character traits, and kept the action moving, and composed the
all-important chapter endings - teaser scenes that maintained
suspense and readers interest to read more. The adventures of
the three musketeers has inspired many film versions, although
the story itself was problematic for American film directors
for some decades due to Hollywood's Production Code: d'Artagnan
is in love with a married woman, Constance, and has a
relationship with Milady de Winter, who actually is Athos'
wife, and he feels attraction to Milady's maid, Kitty, whose
passionate glances he doesn't first notice. "Then only
D'Artagnan remembered the languishing glances of Kitty, her
constantly meeting him in the antechamber, the corridor, or on
the stairs, those touches of the hand every time she met him,
and her deep sighs; but absorbed by his desire to please the
great lady, he had disdained the soubrette. He whose game is
the eagle takes no heed of the sparrow."
The story of the King's Musketeers was
continued in Twenty Years After (1845) and The
Vicomte Bragelonne (1848-50). The latter has also inspired
several film adaptations of the unwanted twin brother of the
king, Philippe, imprisoned in Bastille. His face is covered
with an iron mask to hide his true identity. Philippe was
"clothed in black and masked by a visor of polished and
steel soldered to a helmet of the same nature, which altogether
enveloped his whole head. The fire of the heavens cast red
reflections upon the polished surface, and these reflections,
flying off capriciously, seemed to be angry looks launched by
this unfortunate..." Dumas' heroes die romantically in
different battles - Porthos is killed by king's men, d'Artagnan
is killed in Holland by a stray bullet. At the end of the
story, only Aramis is still alive.
Dumas' role in the development of the
historical novel owes much to a coincidence. The lifting of
press censorship in the 1830s gave rise to a rapid spread of
newspapers. Editors began to lure readers by entertaining
serial novels. Everybody read them, the aristocracy, and the
bourgeoisie, young and old, men and women. Dumas' first true
serial novel was LE CAPITAINE PAUL (1838, Captain Paul), a
quick rewrite of a play. It was addressed to a female
readership and added 5,000 subscribers to the list of Le Siècle
when it was serialized. Along with Balzac and other writers, he
also contributed to Emile de Girardin's weekly, La Mode,
which became the voice of an aristocratic and wordly tout-Paris.
lived as adventurously as the heroes of his books, and his way
of life created a number of anecdotes. When he was asked to
contribute 25 francs to bury a bailiff he gave 50 francs and
said: "There you are - bury two of them." He took
part in the revolution of July 1830 and became a captain in the
National Guard, caught cholera during the epidemic of 1832, and
traveled in Italy to recuperate. He married his mistress Ida
Ferrier, an actress, in 1840, but he soon separated after
having spent her entire dowry. With the money earned from his
writings, he built a fantastic château de Monte-Cristo on the
outskirts of Paris. In 1850 appeared The Black Tulip, a
romantic adventure set in the 17th century Holland. In the
middle of the political struggle for freedom is Cornelius van
Baerle, a young man who has devoted himself to tulip-growing.
Cornelius is falsely imprisoned for high treason. With the help
of Rosa, the daughter of a jailer, he manages to grow a black
tulip. Cornelius wins his freedom and hundred thousand guilders
in glittering gold pieces as reward for the tulip.
"This tulip," continued the Prince, "will
therefore bear the name of its producer, and figure in the
catalogue under the title, Tulipa nigra Rosa Barlaensis,
because of the name Van Baerle, which will henceforth be the
name of this damsel."
In 1851 Dumas escaped his creditors to
Brussels. He spent two years there in exile and then returned
to Paris and founded a daily paper called Le Mousquetaire.
In 1858 he traveled to Russia and in1860 he went to Italy,
where he supported Garibaldi and Italy's struggle for
independence (1860-64). He then remained in Naples as a keeper
of the museums for four years. After his return to France his
debts continued to mount. Called as "the king of
Paris", Dumas earned fortunes and spent them right away on
friends, art, and mistresses. He was professed to have had
dozens of illegitimate children, but he acknowledged only
three. According to a story, when Dumas once found his wife in
bed with his good friend Roger de Beauvoir, he said: "It's
cold night. Move over and make room for me." Dumas died of
a stroke on December 5, 1870, at Puys, near Dieppe. It is
claimed that his last words were: "I shall never know how
it all comes out now," in which he referred to his
unfinished book. Dumas' son Alexandre Dumas
fils, became a writer, dramatist, and
moralist, who never accepted his father's lifestyle.
Dumas did not generally define himself as a
black man, and there is not much evidence that he encountered
overt racism during his life. However, his works were popular
among the 19th-century African-Americans, partly because in The
Count of Monte-Cristo, the falsely imprisoned Edmond Dantès,
may be read as a parable of emancipation. In a shorter work,
GEORGES (1843, George), Dumas examined the question of race and
colonialism. The main character, a half-French mulatto, leaves
Mauritius to be educated in France, and returns to avenge
himself for the affronts he had suffered as a boy.
Dumas' central works created a romantic
fictional history of France, but they also had supernatural
elements and characters, that preceded the superheroes of the
20th-century. These stories include LE CHÂTEAU D'EPPSTEIN
(1844), a ghost story, LES FRÈRES CORSE (1844), where Siamese
twins, separated at birth, maintain a psychic knowledge of each
other's dire fates, ISAAC LAQUEDEM (1853), a Wandering-Jew
tale, and LE MENEUR DE LOUPS (1857), where a young man agrees a
pact with the Devil. His play, LE VAMPIRE (1851), was a Byronic
vampire tale. Dumas' story The Man in the Iron Mask was
based on the legend of Louis XIV's twin brother. The legend
also had inspired Voltaire and Victor Hugo's play Les
Jumeaux (1839).
The Count of Monte Cristo (1844-45) -
The protagonist, Edmond Dantés, is about to marry his
sweetheart and become a captain of a vessel. He is framed by
three enemies as a Napoleonic conspirator, shortly before
Napoleon's dramatic return from Elba in 1815. Dantés is
imprisoned in the Chateau d'If, by the politician Villefort
who is anxious to conceal his own father's machinations on
behalf of Bonaparte. Educated by the Abbé Faria, Dantés
remains in the French Alcatraz 14 years, before he manages to
escape, in a highly dramatic manner. He flees to the island of
Monter Cristo, and locates a fabulous treasure, hidden since
the time of Renaissance. As the Count of Monte Cristo and with
the wealth of the treasure Dantés destroys his enemies and
shows the wrong side of the bourgeois world. - The novel
originated from Dumas' acquaintance with Jérôme Bonaparte,
Napoléon Bonaparte's brother, whose younger son Dumas took
occasionally on short educational journeys. Returning from
Elba, Dumas spotted another island, the deserted Monte-Carlo,
about which he determined to write a novel in remembrance of
the trip. 'Let it be as you wish, my sweet angel' said the
Count. 'God has sustained me against my enemies and I see now
He does not wish me to end my triumph with repentance. I
intended punishing myself, but God has pardoned me! Love me,
Haydee! Who knows? Perhaps your love will help me to forget
all I do not wish to remember! Come, Haydee!' (from The
Count of Monte Cristo)
For further reading: Alexandre Dumas
pére by Hippolyte Parigot (1902); The Fourth Musketeer
by J. Lucas-Dubreton (1928); The Laughing Mulatto
by R. Todd (1940); Alexandre Dumas by A.C. Bell (1950);
Alexandre Dumas: A Great Life in Brief by André
Maurois (1955); The Titans by André Maurois (1957); The
Life and Writings of Alexandre Dumas by Harry A. Spurr
(1972); Alexandre Dumas père et la Comèdie Française
by F. Bassan and S. Chevalley (1972); Alexandre Dumas (père)
by Richard S. Stowe (1976); Alexandre Dumas by
F.W.J. Hemmings (1979); 'Missing' Works of Alexandre Dumas,
Pere by Douglas Munro (1983); Alexandre Dumas: Genius
of Life by Claude Schopp (1989); General Alexandre
Dumas: Soldier of the French Revolution by John G.
Gallaher (1997) - Museum: Chateau de Montecristo, 1
avenue Kennedy, 78560 Port-Marly, Yvelines - home of Alexandre
Dumas, where he wrote The Three Musketeers and The
Count of Monte-Cristo; Musée Alexandre Dumas, 24
rue Démoustier, 02600 Villes-Citterêts - museum devoted to
Alexnadre Dumas and Alexandre Dumas fils. - Note:
Dumas' novel La Royale Maison de Savoie, which appeared
first in 1854 serialized in an Italian magazine, was published
again in four volumes. - Suom.: Dumasin romaaneista on
suomennettu noin kolmekymmentä, mm. Joel
Lehtosen kääntämänä teokset Kirjekyyhkynen, Mestari
Aadam Kalabrialainen sekä Jalmari Finnen käännöksinä
Ange Pitou ja Bastiljin valloitus.
Selected works:
- IVANHOE, 1822? (play)
- LA CHASSE ET L'AMOUR, 1825 (play) - with
Adolphe de Leuven and P.J. Rosseau
- FIESQUE DE LAVAGNA, 1827 - based on
Friedrich Schiller's Fiesco
- HENRI III ET SA COUR, 1829 (play)
ROME, 1830
- ANTONY, 1831 (play)
- LA TOUR NE NESLE, 1832 (play) - The Tower
of Nesle - with Frédéric Gaillardet
- TÉRESA, 1832
- ANGÈLE, 1833
- CATHERINE HOWARD, 1834 (play)
- CROMWELL ET CHARLES I, 1835 (play) - with
M.-E.-G. Théaulon de Lambert and E. Rousseau
- KEAN, 1836 (play)
- CALIGULA, 1837 (play)
- PIQUILLO, 1837 (play) - with Gérald de
- LE CAPITAINE PAUL, 1838 (play) - Captain
Paul / Paul Jones - with Adrien Dauzats
- LE BOURGEOIS DE GAND, 1838 (play) - with
Hippolyte Romand
- MLLE DE BELLE-ISLE, 1839 (play)
- ACTE, 1839
- L'ALCHIMISTE, 1839 (play) - with Nerval
- LEO BURCKART, 1839 (play) - with Nerval
- JARVIS L'HONNÊTE HOMME, 1840 (play) - with
Charles Lafont)
- JEANNIL LE BRETON, 1841 (play) - with Eugène
Chevalier d'Harmental / The Chateau d'Harmental / The
- GEORGES, 1843 - George
- LE CHÂTEAU D'EPPSTEIN, 1844 - The Castle
of Eppstein
- LES FRÈRES CORSE, 1844 - The Corsican
Brothers - (film 1941, dir. by Gregory Ratoff, starring
Douglas Fairbanks Jnr, Akim Tamiroff)
Musketeers - Kolme muskettisoturia - (filmed several times: film
1914, dir. by Charles V. Henkel; film D'Artagnan,
1916, dir. by Charles Swickard; film 1921, dir. by Fred
Niblo; film Les Trois Mousquetaires, 1921-22, dir. by
Henri Diamant.Berger: film The Three Mut-Get-Theres, 1922,
dir. by Max Linder; film 1935, dir. by Rowland V. Lee; film
1939, dir. by Allan Dwan; film 1948, dir. by George Sidney,
starring Gene Kelly; film 1974-75, dir. by Richard Lester,
screenplay by George MacDonald Fraser; film 1993, dir. by
Stephen Herek; film 2001, The Musketeer, dir. by
Peter Hyams, starring Justin Chambers, Stephen Rea, Tim
Roth, Mena Suvari, Catherine Deneuve)
- LA REINE MARGOT, 1845 - Margaret de Navarre
/ Marguerite de Valois - ( film 1994, dir. by Patrice
Chereau, starring Isabelle Adjani, Daniel Auteuil, Jean-Hugues
Anglade, Vincent Perez)
Count of Monte Cristo - Monte Criston kreivi, suom. mm.
Jalmari Finne 1911-12 - (film 1934, dir. by Rowland V.
Lee; television series 1998, dir. by Josee Dayan, starring
Gerard Depardieu, Ornella Muti; film 2002, dir. by Kevin
Reynolds, screenplay by Jay Wolpert, Guy Pierce, James
Caviezel, Dagmara Dominczyk, Richard Harris, Michael Wincott,
Luis Guzman)
- VINGT ANS APRÈS, 1845 - Cardinal Mazarin /
Twenty Years After / Cromwell and Mazarin - Kaksikymmentä
vuotta myöhemmin
- DE PARIS À CADIX, 1846-48
- JOSEPH BALSAMO, 1846 - suom.
Antoinette / Genevieve / Chateau-Rouge / The Knight of
Redcastle / The Chevalier de Maison-Rouge
- LA DAME DE MONSOREAU, 1846 - Diana of
Meridor / Chicot the Jester / La Dame de Monsoreau / Diane
1846 - Memoirs of a Physician / Andrée de Tavarney 7 The
Chevalier / Balsamo / Joseph Balsamo
- LES QUARANTE-CINQ, 1848 - Five Guardsmen /
The Forty-Five
BRAGELONNE, 1848-50 - Ten Years Later, or, The Vicomte
Bragelonne / The Iron Mask / Louise La Valliére / The Man
in the Iron Mask / The Vicomte de Bragelonne Louise de la
Valliére - Bragelonnen varakreivi - (film The Iron
Mask, 1929, dir. by Allan Dwan, starring Douglas
Fairbanks, screenplay by Elton Thomas - Fairbanks' often
used pseudonym; The Man in the Iron Mask, 1939, dir.
by James Whale; The Lady in the Iron Mask, 1959, dir.
by Ralph Murphy; The Man in the Iron Mask, 1976, dir.
by Mike Newell; The Fifth Musketeer, 1979, dir. by
Ken Annakin; The Man In the Iron Mask, 1998, dir. by
Randall Wallace, starring Gabriel Byrne, John Malkovich,
Jeremy Irons, Gerard Depardieu, Leonardo DiCaprio)
- LE COLLIER DE LA REINE, 1849 - The Queen's
Necklace - Kuningattaren kaulanauha
- ANGE PITOU, 1849 - Taking the Bastille /
Six Years Later / The Royal Life-Guard / Ange Pitou
- LES MILLE ET UN FANTOMES, 1848-51 - Tales
of the Supernatural (3 vols.)
- LA TULIPE NOIRE, 1850 - The Black Tulip -
Musta tulppaani
- LE VAMPIRE, 1851
- MES MÉMOIRES, 1852-54
- ISAAC LAQUEDEM, 1853 - Isaak Lakadam
Countess de Charny / La Comtesse de Charny
- LE VERROU DE LA REINE, 1856 (play)
- L'ORESTIE, 1856 (play)
- LE MENEUR DE LOUPS, 1857 - The Wolf-Leader
- THÉÂTRE COMPLET, 1863-1874 (15 vols.)
- THÉÂTRE COMPLET, 1873-1876 (25 vols.)
- Antony,
1931 (in Nineteenth Century French Plays, ed. by J.L.
Borgerhoff; French Romantic Plays, ed. by W.W. Comfort,
Last Cavalier